
Dell precision 490 processor speed
Dell precision 490 processor speed

Dell sign contracts with NMB, Delta and Sanyo Denki as suppliers of their precision 490-690 machines.That memory fan try to break your nervous system. But on the other hand you are at your home’s armchair and you want to take a break watching on e.g. Those machines work inside noisy environments with a lot of colleagues talking one to each other and a lot of ambient noise inside atelier, industries, warehouses etc. But a workstation is a machine which usually not a lot people have inside their homes. Dell produced the workstations to work 24/7/365 and this is undoubtedly the reason which the precisions’ 490-790 mobo are still working without broken capacitors and destroyed north bridges.It was not very hard to understand after some tests i did (no reason to write details about the tests) that the main noisy performer was the memory fan.Then put your cell phone as near as your sitting position (at the same level with your ears) at the time you work with your precision 490 -690 and read how many db your application writes on the screen. There are tones of such kind of applications, but stuck with one application maybe two, just to verify that the first one was reliable.


I started my measurements of the db produced by my 490, by downloading an application on my android phone.I had to make the noise to go from 55-60 db to reasonable 25-28 db and if i could manage something better then it will be something even more very welcome.My final thoughts, tests, comprehensive of a fan, market research and decision: I just explain you why the water cooling solution abandoned after 3 days of research and i started thinking an alternative solution.So no solution for the cooling of those DIMMS even if you go for a water cooling expensive project. Even if you go with a new power supply and a patented DIY water cool module for 771, then what are you gonna do with those tricky FB - DIMM EEC MEMORY MODULES which transmits huge thermal loads inside the case? Those DIMMS are really very hot at the working time and make the case become a hot pan.This means more money than the money you spend for your 490-690. I mean that if you really want to eliminate the noise you have to buy a new power supply without fan. Even if you manage to fit a custom kit there is another problem: You can not deal with the fan of the power supply and the fan of the memory.So you must do some custom patents to adapt the water cooling pump on the 771 sockets. There is not a dedicated kit for socket 771.You pay more money than the money you paid to buy an old second hand 490-690. But very soon i abandon that thought for reasonable reasons: Our innovative and entrepreneurial spirit, coupled with the quality, depth, and breadth of its knowledge and relationships, assures customers and suppliers that they have chosen the right partner to help them succeed.My first thought was a water cooled 490. The good news is you don’t have to take on this challenge alone. While the solution building blocks are the same for everyone - servers, storage, network, and services - the victory goes to the organizations that devise new ways to assemble these building blocks so all the traditional IT and “e-enabling” issues are handled Successfully and affordably. Today, your IT infrastructure is as critical to your business as the boardroom. Over the years the company has also developed expertise in implementation of LAN/WAN, e-commerce and customer relation management. We are service provider of Server AMC Service. Established in 2014, KG Techno Systems are trader, retailer and supplier of Rack Servers, Tower Servers, Blade Servers, Memory Storages, Computer Workstations, Servers Parts, Networking Server, LAN Card, FC Card, SCSI RAID Card, SAS RAID Card, SATA RAID Card and Storage Works.

Dell precision 490 processor speed